IASS2k21 sponsor/vendor

By I.A.G. Production (other events)

Saturday, August 7 2021 4:30 PM 7:00 PM CDT

Subject: Help I Am Goddess (I.A.G) and poACTry Production’s with this year’s “I Am a Survivor” Seminar

Dear Potential Sponsor,


My Name is Felicia Shantell and I am the Founder of I Am Goddess (IAG) and one of the founding members of poACTry Productions. Each year, we works extremely hard to bring awareness and to help those who have been through many trials and tribulation in their lives, and those who are still trying to make that transition into becoming a survivor. I’d like to invite you to become a sponsor for our 7th Annual Congressionally Honored "I'm A Survivor” Seminar. This remarkable event will be held on August 7, 2020 at the Black Store: The Black Beauty Experience from 4:00pm - 7:00pm. The "I'm A Survivor” Seminar will include motivational speakers, testimonials from various survivors, and artistic forms of counseling; such as music, dance, theatre, spoken word and more. This year, we want to go even further and host our most impactful event yet and we can only do so with you help! 

Often times we fall, and it seems to be so complicated to overcome. Whether it's grieving from the passing of a loved one, dealing with an illness, or even overcoming domestic violence; it is never an easy task to let go and actually let God. However, with a little help and motivation, all things are possible to overcome. This artistic counseling event will touch on subjects such as, heartache, pain, abuse and other issues that we deal with on a personal level. Each artist and guest speaker has made the transition into becoming a survivor and by the end of this event, each attendee will feel more empowered to make that transition as well. 

With your sponsorship, you will help us toward meeting our goal of empowering women and providing donations and financial needs to the Girlz to Momz Foundation. We will also provide food, clothes and toiletry items to the yoUmoja Homeless Outreach. This foundation provides school supplies, backpacks and uniform vouchers to schools in the outer & inner city for the 2021-2022 school years. Lastly, it will also help fund Projects in Support of Justice for Joshua J. Johnson; a young man that was shot and killed by Harris county police in April of 2020. Your Sponsorship will ensure the success of the "I'm A Survivor” Seminar and all other events that we endeavor to do.

I have provided additional information on this event and its sponsorship levels. I will follow-up during the first week of June, 2021, with the hopes that you will support. Your sponsorship will make a huge difference in our ability to plan and execute this event as well as help our community. If you’d like to support our event or discuss our plans, my contact information is below.


Thank you, 

Felicia Shantell


[email protected]